Wednesday, December 1, 2010


1. Make Drs. appt. for sick Molly
2. Sew sheep outfit for Lillie's church play
3. Prepare Christmas cards
4. Put up Christmas decorations
5. Bake 6 dozen cookies for Bobby's school party
6. Make Christmas Gift List
7. Figure out how to get money for Christmas Gift List
8. Get babysitter for Hubbys Christmas work party
9. Get outfit for party
10. Lose 5 lbs so outfit will fit
Does this list look list is about twice as long!! Lets face it....we live in a world of "to do" lists and fast pace living...especially during the holidays.....
Come Thou long expected Jesus,
Born to set thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our REST in Thee.
Charles Wesley's carol is about the Israelite's longing for a Saviour. They wanted someone to free them from their fears, bondages and weariness. Sound familiar? I think I would have a hard time finding someone who isn't weary already and in need of some rest from their struggles of just trying to get through the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, family commitments and activities. There is not enough vitamin C in this world that can bring about the well being and real rest that we need going into this special season.
Just like the Israelites longing for a Saviour, we too need to be set free from our fears of sicknesses, money issues and keeping up with our "to do" lists! We need Jesus....who says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28-29
In verse 28 the word "rest" (Greek: anapausis) means intermission. Jesus is telling us that when we come to Him, he will give a time of rest....a break in the our busyness. He's not telling us that He will stop our busyness (although...sometimes that is what we need to do) but that in the midst of that burden and heavy load...He is the one we need to go to.
In verse 29 the word "yoke" was referring to a young bullock, who was little in comparison to the full grown ox and who was more experienced and trained to pull the heavy weight. The younger bullock would merely walk in the field next to the larger ox and learn how to be harnessed to his partner. The big ox pulled all the weight and set the direction for the younger one, whose only responsibility was to walk alongside..."in step with" the more experienced bull. Jesus said that those who would bind themselves to Him would not bear the full heavy load.
Can you see the picture? I can. I can imagine myself struggling daily with my heavy schedule load (maybe your heavy load is illness or finances or a relationship) trying to carry it all by myself. Stumbling under the pressure and frustration of rushing against the clock and constantly feeling like I'm falling behind while trying to check off each item on my Christmas "to do" list! And yes...I am a list maker from way back!!
If I would only choose to be willing to find my rest and peace in my allow Him to carry my heavy load...instructing me each step of the way...and giving me the assurance that He is my burden bearer....what a difference there would be in my daily schedule. Jesus doesn't tell us that He would remove us from our heavy loads....but that He would become our "load" bearer!
Wow....I'm choosing this day to walk every day of this Christmas season along side my "Load Bearer"....Jesus Christ! I'm choosing to start each day, no matter how rushed I feel or how busy my morning may be...with Jesus. Asking Him to show me how to carry the load of that day! I'm asking the Holy Spirit to give me the strength and determination I need to start my day running to Jesus and not starting my day running to my "to do" list first!
How will you start each day this Christmas season? Who is your "load bearer"? I am praying that along with will run into Jesus Christ...your real "Load Bearer".

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