Friday, September 25, 2009

A King Who Bends

“…and I bent down and fed them.” Hosea 11:4 What king do you know that has ever bent down to their subject? I can’t think of one. But the King of Kings and Lord of Lords bent down to the Jews in Hosea. It was God’s love for them that drew them back. It is always about God’s love for us, and because of God’s great love for us, His bending down resulted in His son, Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins. Think about that for a moment...let it really get into your understanding! The Creator of all things seen and unseen, the one who called himself "I Am" ...bends down to His beloved children. Seeking us, delivering us and restoring us for His pleasure and purpose! Wow! That really blows me away, when I really grasp hold of that with both makes me weep. I feel completely loved and accepted and precious by God. It makes me want to press in more deeply to Him, to want to please Him in all that I do and say. We are doing a bible study by Nancy Leigh DeMoss this fall, and the title is ‘Seeking Him’. Nancy draws our attention to the fact that it is God who initiates and woos us into revival with Him. “Revival awakens in our hearts an increased awareness of the presence of God, a new love for God, a new hatred for sin, and a hunger for His Word.” Del Fehsenfeld Jr. Revival refreshes the spirit and those times of refreshment come from the presence of the Lord. Revival also renews the mind. We have a God-centered thinking, rather than a self-centered thinking. God is returned to His rightful place as a result of revival in our lives. I can’t even begin to tell how very grateful I am for the fact that I have a God who loves me enough to bend down to me and woo me back into His arms, into His presence and through His mercy and grace offer me forgiveness and restoration! The next time you bend down to your child, to help him/her….remember....choose to remember.... your Heavenly Father who first bent down to you!

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