Thursday, April 30, 2009

EL ROI….The God Who Sees (Pronounced: el ROY) There are no circumstances in our lives that escape Gods fatherly awareness and care. God knows us and know our troubles. As I was meditating on this particular name of God today, I was amazed by the visual understanding that came to my minds eye. I started thinking about the ripple that a stone makes when thrown into a pond. As soon as the stone hits the water, you see a vast amount of ripples running along the surface of the water. No matter where you throw the stone in that pond, ripples are sure to follow. I see each of us as that stone. We hit a certain spot in our lives and ripples follow. Just as we see the ripples that are made by a stone, God sees the rippling effect of our choices or circumstances in every area of our lives. He just doesn’t see us in that particular spot….He sees us in each area of our life within that circumstance. If we are sick, He sees us living in that sickness and how it effects us as a mom, as a wife or even as a daughter or friend. Each ripple represents who we are in that particular position. He sees….He is El Roi….The God Who Sees! How amazing and comforting it is to know God as El Roi. Have you experienced Him as the God who sees all? In Genesis 16:11-14, Hagar experienced God as her El Roi, because He saw her in her circumstance. And in Psalm 139:7-12 David writes how God is in every place. Everywhere.... “Where can I go from your Spirit?” (Ps. 139:7) Many times in the New Testament, Jesus knew the thoughts of those around him, demonstrating that He is El Roi (Matt.22:18; 26:21,34; Luke 5:21-24). I’m so grateful to know my Heavenly Father as El Roi…The God Who Sees

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